"What keeps boundaries up?"
out-door installation at the
"2019 Korean DMZ Daeboung Lake Art Festival, International Outdoor Installation Art Project"
Sudal Research Center, Hwacheon-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea
on view since 2019/05/24

In this installation, a net is streched out in a certain area between the poles. Its position is depending on the powers which pulling on it from some distance; -- by strings and the the weight of sand-sacks.
Material : Wood poles, steel-chains, ropes, Nylon net, orange Nylon ribbon (to make the net more visible), orange strings, sandbags

Most boundaries are manmade. They are established and maintained by various interests of different people.
Without these conflicting interests, different spheres change smoothly from one to the other by mixing or
overlapping. However, the distant powers of the centers define sharp boundaries and keep them up. When their conflicting
interests change or disappear, also the boundaries change or disappear.

"Stone Scissors Paper"
Outdoor -Installation at the
Pyonchang Culture Olympic DMZ Art Fiesta 2018 "Peace - Baram" ( peace- wind)
Place: Goseong Unification Observatory, Kangwondo, Korea
date: 22.02.2018 - 18.03.2018

Material: wood, plastic,sheets, drawing, ropes etc,
windwheel size: 166 cm, diameter, 95 cm,
Windmill threat
Out-door Installation for the " International DMZ Art-festival 2016"
Inje City, Kangwondo, Korea;, at the border of the two Koreas, the "De-Militarized Zone", October 2016
Two windmills are facing each other, they are built from the same material, but they turn to different directions. Their form is that of children’s toy wind wheel, however by size and by material those mills might appear somehow dangerous or frightening, and allow therefore some association with the Korean conflict.
Since Cervantes "the fight against windmills" stands for an unnecessary and dangerous effort based on wrong imaginations and beliefs; here two windmills threatening each other without ever changing their position.
material: stainless steel, mechanical parts, steel,
height ca. 370 cm, windmill diameter, ca 140cm. distance ca 4 m
„Erinnerungen an Friedrichhafen" ( Memories of Friedrichshafen)
Box containing index-cards with photos and texts, explaining about the objects and their relation to my stay in Friedrichshafen; (2015)
(the cards can be moved by the metal stick, when the box is covered by a glass-plate in the exhibition)
The ZF Kunststiftung (ZF Art foundation) asked e to take part in an exhibition for the celebration of its 25th anniversary as one of the former invitees to their residency-program at the Constance Lake . Each of the invited artists should make an artistic-intervention inside of a standard archive cardboard-box.
I decided to do a documentation the memory-object in relation to my stay in 2005.:
My Stay at the Constance Lake seems to be still close to me, but after 10 years and moving twice to other countries the number of real direct memory-pieces is very limited. I can categorize that, what is related in my current situation to Friedrichshafen into five different categories’:
bought things, used things, data, art-documentation and art.
Link to the digital version of that Archive (In German language only)

"Through Another's Gaze", "Mit Fremdem Blick" -
Photowork with comments, language Chinese 80 single-works, 41 x 53 cm, motives from Berlin and motives from Taiwan,
exhibited fom vom 2007 / 12 / 18 until 2008 / 01 / 19 in the Kaoyuan Artcenter, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
"The urban life is the general theme and source of Baumgarten’s photographic works. He focuses on the visual traces of historical, aesthetical and social developments. He groups pictures according to certain themes and combines them with short written comments, explaining, questioning or reflecting the motive of the picture. Sometimes some comments may appear ironic or poetic, but all are rather short. Those comments direct the attention of the spectator. As the comments are an essential part of the work they are translated here to Chinese
The refraction of view on things ordinary for the Taiwanese spectators, will be felt easyly for the works with Taiwanese motives of this series. Beside the too. This experience will help to appreciate and to understand all work of this exhibition, despite of the personal viewpoint of the artist and his different cultural background".

Link to see the pictures and to read the coments;
Langugage: Chinese and German
(Chinese, when you have installed the Chinese characters and your brouser supports Chinese) |

Designed Living-Space (Gestalteter Lebensraum)
Photo-work with comments, language: German, 24 single-works, 40 x 50 cm, motives from Berlin.
Presentation in glass-cases of an department store ,as participation of the.
culture-festival "48 Stunden Neukölln", 2007 / 06 / 23 -25 in Berlin,
"The town is the sum of various designs, They might be permanent or ephemeral, ordered by the municipality or privately done, aiming at a certain target or having no seemingly no reason. Some arrangements functioning well others are failing their intentions. The pictures show various types of design in the urban sphere. They focus on the aesthetical, social and historical developments of Neukölln, and of Berlin.”
Link to see the pictures and to read the coments;

Regardons la ville
website: (Language: French) published in France, online from April 2005 until spring 2007 -- Now, as document on this server:
This site is one of the projects, realized during the residency in Lille, in the Atelier de la MAJT. It is showing photos with comments from the city (Lille) and its surroundings. Here, as in previous related works, I try to show, what I find significant for that environement. The site is organized in different themes such as "Deco" archidectural decoration, "Parking" the permanenrt conflict between cars and surfaces cars should not go... or "Nouvelle ville", the city developements ...


Link to the website (now on this server) |

Views of Tokyo, Ansichten Über Tokio, Tokyo Kansatsu
Photo -book, 24 pages, B/W-photos, comments in German, English and Japanese. 1998 (Edition of 1000 )
In this book, I highlight the details from the cityscape, that struck me as remarkable. Resident in Tokyo for two years, the limits of "foreign" perception were still tangible.


The Way to the Studio
original photo-book, 37 B/W-photos, comments in German, English and Japanese; 1996/97.
Thought and ideas related to the everyday places and things I encountered on my way to the studio.
(1994/95 in Paris I had used already a similar concept for a book shown in the exhibition "Pensées du dehors" and for my participation of the catalogue)


"Original Object"
from the property of Ingo Baumgarten" (1993) ; A collection of personal objects, packed as merchandise on cardboard under plastic. There is a short description on the cardboard of their story or role in my life.


Original object from the
property of Ingo Baumgarten:
Sugar bags
From a café where we went after meeting our fellow student Hey Jong for the last time, just two weeks before she was murdered.
"Yearning for the self"
a documentation of the circumstances of my life at the age of 28 years at the end of my studies, summer 1992"
(Sehnsucht nach dem Selbst : Eine Dokumentation meiner Lenbensumstände im Alter von 28 Jahren, am Ende meines Studiums, Sommer 1992")
Portfolio with 15 sheets (48,5 x 65 cm) with the printed title and glued on B/W Photos and typed comments.1992. Each of the sheets deals with one theme such as "technique" , " my methods", or "breakfast".


"Home" ("DAHEIM")
Photoalbum, 21 B/W-photos; 1992
The album is custom-made and alternates black
pages with parchment.
The title "Daheim" is printed on the cover.
The photos show interiors and decorations
from my parents' apartment.

The album, as presented for my exam


Colourstudies: Soaps
Objects; 1992
Cheap soaps, ubiquitous, packed in sample bags and "scientifically" classed in alphabetic order. Parallel: bags filled with pure colour pigments, trying to match exactly the colour of the soaps.


Public Rooms
Set of about 30 colour photos (30 x 40 cm), 1992;
rooms with public access and certain representative functions taken in Karlsruhe where I lived at the time.
Vierortbad (Public Pool)  townhall  townhall

English Houses;
Set of six color photos, 1991
Identically constructed houses which's appearances had changed with the time,- following the individuality of their owners.

B/W-Fotos mainly 24 x 30 cm
Since the beginning of my studies I have been interested in photography. My interest was focused on documenting change in industrial landscapes.

Charleroi, 1989 |
Paris, Banlieue, 1987

Liverpool, 1991
