Exhibition views

( komplette Ausstellungsliste unter Lebenslauf
complete list of exhibitions see CV)

2025 "In Front of Behind"

HRD Fine Art, Kyoto, Japan


IMSOOBIN Gallery, Seoul



project space MIUM, Seoul

2021 "just painting!

Gallery JJ, Seoul

2019 "space & color"

Tong-In Gallery, Seoul

"something behind"

United Art Museum;
Wuhan, China

"weiche farben - harte farben"
"Soft colors -hard edges"

Galerie Plan.D, Düsseldorf, Germany

Gallery Chosun, Seoul

"Urban Details"

United Art Museum;
Wuhan, China


Gallery Atelier Aki,
Seoul, Korea

"point of view"

Hanmi Gallery Seoul
Seoul, Korea


Seoul Museum of Art,
Seoul Korea

Eugean Gallery,
Seoul, Korea


Gallery Ronam,
Seoul, Korea

(City Forms;
Stadt Gestaltungen )

Art Center of the Kunshan University, Tainan, Taiwan

2007 / 08
"" "Heterogeneous Aesthetic - through another's gaze"
Kaoyuan Artcenter,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Link: Fotoarbeiten
Link: Photo-works

"No Title",
Bruno David Gallery, Saint Louis, MO, USA

"Gestatleter Lebensraum"
(Designed Living-Space)
showed at the culture festival
"48 Stunden Neukölln".
Berlin, Germany
Link: Fotoarbeiten
Link: Photo-works
"Close up",
Galerie Le Deco,
Tokyo, Japan

"Stadt am See" (town at the lake)
Zeppelin Museum,
Friedrichshafen, Germany

"Die Schönheit des Alltäglichen"
(The beauty of the common)
Galerie Abt-Art, Stuttgart, Germany


"City Landscape"
Galerie Haus Schneider / Weigand, Ettlingen, Germany

"Ansichtssache Stadt"
(View of the city)
Saalbau Galerie, Berlin, Germany

"Unsere Stadt" (Our city)
Galerie SPHN,
Berlin, Germany


"Malerei"; (painting)
Galerie der Stadt Kornwestheim,
Kornwestheim, Germany

"Tokyo Promenade" with Laurent Bichaud, Sapporo,Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka; Japan

Artspace Gento;
Tokyo, Japan

Casa Gallery;
Tokyo, Japan

"Pensées du dehors";
Centre d'art Contemporain
"La Ferme Du Buisson" ;
Noisiel, France
Galerie Martina Detterer; 
Frankfurt a. M. ; Germany

"Culture : Culture Around - arround culture"
Municipal Museums of Setùbal
Setùbal, Portugal